Theme of my life

"It's kinda fun to do the IMPOSIBLE."

~Walt Disney

Sunday, August 15, 2010

THis is my story

This a story I have been working on ..... Let me know what you think
As she looked out the window of the plane as it soared over the clouds, she was sure she had made the right decision. Vernie always was sure about everything. She wrapped the scarf around her head and put on her big square sunglasses just as the pilot announced over the intercom, “We will be reaching Paris, France in forty-five minutes.”
Forty- five minutes, that’s all she had left of her old life. After that she would embark on a journey as a writer, free of the pressure from Indianapolis. Vernie clutched her only thing she brought, an old rucksack. She turned to the lady next to her, who had been quietly reading a magazine.
“Why are you going to Paris?” She asked
“Oh, well I live their, I was visiting my brother in Maine.”
“What is it like?” Vernie questioned, glad the lady wasn’t thinking she was a freak for talking to someone she didn’t know, Vernie was talkative.
“Maine?” The lady answered
“No” Vernie laughed, “I mean Paris.”
“Oh it is wonderful, a very nice place to go.”
“You don’t have a French accent, where are you from.”
“Oh I’m from Maine; my name is Bonnie by the way.”
“Oh, I’m Veronica, but you can call me Vernie.”
“Nice to meet you Vernie.”
“Where do you live in Paris?” Vernie asked.
“In a little apartment complex…………..”
As Bonnie rattled off the address of the complex Vernie looked at Bonnie’s face. It was heart shaped, with red hair that was cut very short. She has a blue bucket hat on with a red and blue striped tank top, along with white skirt, and finalized with some red flats. She had brown eyes. This was so unlike Vernie’s long brown hair that was tied in a knot in the back of her head, which was covered by a green scarf. Her big blue eyes were covered with brown boxy sunglasses. She had a white sundress on with green heels. Bonnie looked around her age…. 27. She continued to let her mind wander until something Bonnie said caught her attention.
“You live in that apartment complex?”
“You mean la petite mansion?” Bonnie answered
“Yeah, I’m living there to. I sent my furniture there last week.” Vernie replied.
“That’s neat.” Bonnie said looking genuinely happy that the girl sitting next to her would be living there in the same vicinity.
“Do you have a car?” Vernie asked, wondering how she was going to get to her new home
“Um… No I will take a taxi, you want to come.”
“Oui.” Vernie said smiling.
They chatted quietly as the plane soured over Europe, and Vernie’s phone, which had been silenced, kept receiving texts and calls form her mom. And when Vernie sat down on the ripping leather seat of the taxi, which smelled of cigars, she was amazed that she had found a person that did not think she was a talkative freak, and not the only girl who could become best friends with someone in all of three seconds.

Hey Hey Hey

Ok so I know I have not posted in a while but I have a life..........Anyway I just reliazed 2 people read this so i got depressed....but then i put on fix you by coldplay (which is my new favorite song btw) and felt school started and i have gotten sooooo busy, and know one has commented on my bassoon post so Obie might not be being used or the user thought i was a freak or yeah....
marroon Bassoon

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Saying goodbye...

Ok this is going to sound really sentimental of me but whatever..... Today was the last day that I could play my bassoon.... I will get a new one in a week or so. but still you know.... I wrote a note to the new bassoonist and put it in my bassoon case so hopfully he/she will find it.
Hi, I know you don't really know much about bassoon but if you stay with it you will LOVE IT. It is sooooo much fun. It is hard because the band does not pay much attention to you. (I know i sound like I'm addicted but it is sooooo true)
Let me tell you about the bassoon. Its name is Obie (Obie wan canobie- i know thats not spelled right) Its cool... Just if you are reading this comment on this post and tell me

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Well...I know I haven't posted in a while....Sorry people I Have A life...... Jk :-) day we went to the lake......It was uber fun WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! My friends started blog called Nocturna Journal....I will post a link.....I'm with my awesome cousin....We will have so much fun
Maroon Bassoon

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

Hey guys!!!! I ran the peachtree today (6.2 miles of pure fun :-) ) Anyway Tonight me and my cousins are going to set off fire works (7 boys and me with explosives.......) So have a great day and God bless America

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What A Trip

Today my mom wanted to go out and get some stuff from some stores. We were looking for a scrapbook store because my mom is making a scrap book for an anniversary. The scrap book store that we like to go to was closed, which sucked..... So we called an operator and then my dad (the operator had no clue what we are talking about) My dad gave us a bunch of places to go to.........We went to a craft store and we couldn't find anything :-( So we bought dots (the candy) and got on the road. Then we finally got to a good place so mom went in and I went to a clothing store. The scrap book place was SOOOOOOO overpriced but she got what she needed and then we went into the clothing store. We looked at so many clothing and in the end the scrap book adventure turned into a great shopping trip.
Maroon Bassoon
PS Writer Freak is up in Martha's Vinyard and Runner girl is in Europe BUT only Writer Freak has internet so Writer Freak write a review of the movie you saw and send it to me and I will post it Luv U :-P

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Ok I just realized somthing- I'm using this blog kinda like a twitter- I don't mean to be doing that....I just want to write what I feel like writing................So neigbor is out of town and I'm taking care of their cats, watering their garden, and checking mail. I love this neighbor so I don't mind doing it. I'm actually excited they said I could hang out at their house. This would be a good place to read the book I'm reading- The Counte of Monte Cristo (the abriged version) Its getting really boring.....
Well on that note I leave you!!!
Off to take care of cats!
Maroon Bassoon

Friday, June 25, 2010

Crime Shows

Well all three of us (Runner girl and Writer Freak) well we all love cime shows. But no one.....I mean NO ONE loves cime shows like writer freak. She even writes about crime shows on If you don't know what fanfiction is well its a website were different writers use charecters from the tv shows for their own stories. Writer freaks user name is NCISgirl1527. You should check it out. Back on my story..... The three of us all enjoy watching NCIS. But Writer freak and I like other shows too (Runner girl doesnt watch alot of tv.....She is the sporty one) Anyway Writer freak and I watch Leverage too. I love that show...........Its really fun..... Just when everything looks bad........Somthing hapens that someone didn't notice and it all turns out pefectly.........
I love happy endings!
Maroon Bassoon
Ps I am 99% sure that no one reads this..........but thats cool- so if you do read this please put it under the folowers section PLEASSSEE

One more thing

Im about to go out! But before I go I want to clear somthing up.... The Report , section of the blog is just things that I thing is cool at the moment....
Anyway please enjoy the fruits (and vegitables) of my labor

Well I'm Back

We went to the pool, and now were back! I realized that my other blog- Life with Tian Yang - was not lost to the crazy world we call the Internet........... So if you read this blog please read the other one tooooooooooooo :-)
I will talk more about myself...I live in a state...I go to a school.......I have friends and thats abot it!! Just kidding!! :-p
I have tons of "school friends" as you call it but two of my best friends lets call them Writer freak (I say that lovingly) and runner girl! As you can see I will always use code names to protect their privacy. Well we want to start a newspaper, but paper is expensive so- I have not run this by them- but we might pt articles we write on here just to save money any way just giving you the heads up
Maroon Bassoon


Hi I'm Maroon Bassoon! All my friends are on vacation, so i'm bored........:-( But thats cool! I just started a blog to keep me busy........ So yeah.......Don't know what to say now.......
I know what I will tell you about myself! I'm on the flag team at my school, so I have been practicing alot. Its a really a fun sport (Im not really sporty so it works its good for me). Also as you can guess that I play bassoon....So please read my blog!
Maroon Bassoon