Theme of my life

"It's kinda fun to do the IMPOSIBLE."

~Walt Disney

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What A Trip

Today my mom wanted to go out and get some stuff from some stores. We were looking for a scrapbook store because my mom is making a scrap book for an anniversary. The scrap book store that we like to go to was closed, which sucked..... So we called an operator and then my dad (the operator had no clue what we are talking about) My dad gave us a bunch of places to go to.........We went to a craft store and we couldn't find anything :-( So we bought dots (the candy) and got on the road. Then we finally got to a good place so mom went in and I went to a clothing store. The scrap book place was SOOOOOOO overpriced but she got what she needed and then we went into the clothing store. We looked at so many clothing and in the end the scrap book adventure turned into a great shopping trip.
Maroon Bassoon
PS Writer Freak is up in Martha's Vinyard and Runner girl is in Europe BUT only Writer Freak has internet so Writer Freak write a review of the movie you saw and send it to me and I will post it Luv U :-P


  1. Writer Freak would love to write a review of the movie. Writer Freak is amused by this post. Writer Freak will see you later.

  2. Wait when will you see me later..........I know you are coming back on the 11th but guess what I'm leaving on the 11th for FL :-(

  3. Hey one more thing...Tell people on the vineyard to read it.....just dont tell them who wrote it...(I mean tell your gma and stuff) but walk up to some and be like hey I know this awesome blog WORD :-)
